Here you can meet the Governors and read a little bit about their roles and responsibilities.
Rebekah Meredith is our Chair of Governors. Her role is to provide leadership and direction to the Governing Body, both in and between meetings.
The Chair, as the leader of the Governing Body has a role to play in assisting a collection of individual Governors to become an effective team that can work co-operatively with a common sense of purpose to achieve the successful development of the school, and represents the Governing Body where given delegated powers.
Rebekah Meredith - Chair of Governors
Gerald Hughes - Vice Chair
Kay Hughes - Teacher Governor​
Rachel Powell - Governor
Miss Hammond - Non Teacher Governor
Tina Samuel - Governor
Darren Rogers - Community Governor
Jen Bright - Governor
Emma Howells - Governor
Matthew Williams - Parent Governor
If you would like to contact the school governing body please email